Try these 6 tips for the perfect chicken noodle soup

I love big, hearty chunks of chicken, ideally breast meat. I’m not a fan of using rotisserie chicken in soup; I like roasting whole chicken breasts lathered up with oil and salt, cooling them down and then cubing and adding to the soup or even just letting the chicken poach in the broth/stock itself before cubing it up in sizable pieces.

Some like to combine the “stock” and “chicken” components and just cook off one big ol’ chicken in some water with vegetables, herbs and aromatics and call it a day. That’s fine, too, but be sure to skim off any impurities.

Also, be careful to remove fat, skin, bones and cartilage well before adding back to pot. I don’t know if there’s anything that I dislike more in chicken noodle soup than an errant chicken bone, so also be very sure to spoon through your soup to ensure there are none hanging around.


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