BLASPHEMY: Deborah’s Killers Should Be Prosecuted And Her Family Adequately Compensated, By Buhari Olanrewaju Ahmed
Nigeria is really sitting on a time bomb, the debris may consume the country soon if drastic measures are not taken to curtail a similar occurrence with the wrong signal laid down by religious fanatics.
For a long time the country has been in a despicable situation, our bones and flesh have been sacrificed in the name of religious intolerance.
Nigeria is a secular state under which anybody has the right and obligation to practice any religion that suits their purposes in accordance with the Constitution guiding the country.
It is no longer news that Deborah Samuel, a 200-level student of Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto, was gruesomely murdered by the educated terrorists who accused her of blasphemy.
The innocent lady’s life was subsequently cut short by the bloodthirsty extremists. Deborah spoke Hausa fluently, she dressed like a real Northerner, yet they killed her because of a voice note she dropped on WhatsApp group.
Meanwhile, living with these criminals who orchestrate evil against humanity would be a disaster to the whole country and beyond. Perhaps the unity of this country has now been murdered by the act of these religious fanatics.
A trending video shows how the killers were boasting of killing the innocent lady, they were also proud of setting her ablaze since the country is ruled by a President who himself is a religious fanatic.
For how long shall we be living with these set of heartless and animalistic people?
Imagine that some of these extremists become future teachers to our children. The thought of it terrifies me!
Now is a very troubling moment when those who are saddled with responsibilities fail. It is not a surprise seeing an acclaimed Imam of National Mosque in Abuja supporting and justifying the killing of the innocent lady.
Professor Ibrahim Maqari in his tweet supported the barbaric and gruesome murder of Deborah. According to him:
“It should be known to everyone that we the Muslims have some redliness beyond which MUST NOT be crossed. The dignity of the Prophet (PBUH) is at the forefront of the redliness. If our grievances are not properly addressed then we should not be criticised for addressing them ourselves.”
If a professor and religious leader could utter such a statement, it clearly shows that most of his followers have been indoctrinated with hatred and bitterness against other faiths.
The Holy Qur’an preaches tolerance and stated it clearly on how to live with people peacefully. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W was called sorcerer but he never got angry, Allah told him to be patient.
Qur’an 73 verse 10 says: “Be patient over what they say and avoid them with gracious avoidance.”
There’s nowhere in the Holy Qur’an that encourages a Muslim to stone anyone to death for blasphemy. The sensitivity of religion can never overrated and comprehended without knowing the teaches and the rules that governed the faith.
Qur’an 6 verse 68 says:
“And when you see those who enter into false discourses about our communications, withdraw from them until they enter into some other discourse, and if the Shaitan causes you to forget, then do not sit after recollection with the unjust people.”
Its high time for religious leaders in the North to take responsibility and call their wards to order against future attacks on innocent people.
The country is in deep trouble with the kind of heartless leaders at the helm of affairs.
Security operatives should not only arrest the perpetrators, they should prosecute them to serve as deterrent to others.
Meanwhile, the Nigerian Government must be sensitive enough by ensuring that adequate compensate is given to the victim’s family.
Also, the National Assembly as matter of urgency should pass a piece of legislation that will put an end to jungle justice. There should be consequences for people taking the law into their hands.
I call on Nigerian youth to stand in solidarity with Deborah. She must get justice.