Cancer Weekly Horoscope
WEEK OF April 4 – 1 0, 2022
When it comes to affairs of the heart, you’re not a “dabbler,” Cancer, so keep it real! That might not be as easy as it sounds this Monday, April 4, when rash and lusty Mars syncs up with playing-for-keeps Saturn in your eighth house of seduction and permabonding. It’s not like you won’t FEEL like acting on some of your more erotic urges; it’s just that in the next heartbeat, you’ll know that doing so will leave you feeling lonely and unfulfilled. Some Crabs may choose to take those flirtations to heart, but with this intensely desirious zone activated, a few bites of an “amuse bouche” won’t sate you when you’re craving a six-course meal.
The thing is, Cancer, you’re an emotional creature by nature, and it’s important that you honor your truest self—yes, even if you feel like you’re “missing out on all the fun.” No one’s denying irresistible chemistry, but you get to decide if one—or even a few—nights of passion are worth weeks of post-hookup anguish. This meeting of strange bedfellows Mars and Saturn says: If you can persevere and hold the bar high, you WILL call in a suitable partner—perhaps someone who’s been patiently waiting to meet YOU!
By Tuesday, the intensity of that Mars-Saturn mashup will have dissipated, and vixen Venus will make a move that can bring a lot more levity to your love life. After a few weeks in that same emo pressure cooker (i.e., your eighth house), the amorous planet shimmies into Pisces and your adventurous ninth house until May 2. Pisces is a like-minded water sign, and in this expansive chart sector, you’ll need space and time to yourself. In a relationship? You’ll see just how much fonder absence can make the heart grow! And when you’re reunited, plan a romantic getaway to toast your back-togetherness! Single? Sparks could fly with a cutie from a very different background, or you could meet a hot prospect while on the road yourself. The trick is to keep everything open: from your eyes and ears to your heart and mind!
By the time Sunday rolls around, you’ll be longing for the comfortable familiarity of your inner circle. And perfect timing because community-minded Mercury lopes into Taurus that day, ready to rally the troops and get some eleventh-house group activities going! This three-week cycle (until April 29) is great for doing your own high-minded networking and getting pals involved in important social activism initiatives. They don’t have to be “edgy” or politically motivated to be meaningful. If no one is interested, don’t press the issue. See it as a rare and incredible opportunity to meet some new, like-minded folks who share your passion. And if you’re single, well, what better way to meet someone than by doing something to help others together?
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